I am based in the E.U. and have to source components from the UK. Since Brexit the E.U. is now making me pay obscene import tax on those components and then charging me obscene import tax to receive the compasses for repair.
Europe has recently decreed that Tritium lamps for watches and compasses now fall under regulation UN2911 - radioactive material excepted package - instruments or articles. This means that to send modern wristwatches, compasses or parts thereof, the items have to be subjected to stringent shipping regulations, which has increased the cost exponentially. Think about it, wristwatches are now “dangerous items” according to the idiots in Brussels. These charges would have to be passed on to the customer, which would make the overall costs untenable.
CLICK HERE read or download the pdf version of the book, TRADE MARK LONDON, by Paul Crespel. 538 pages covering the history of Francis Barker, the man, his compasses and his instruments from his birth right up to today's Francis Barker compasses.
Click on the image to download the pdf file. When you open the dropbox link you will be told that the file is too big to preview. After a while the download button appears. The file is 321MB. Dropbox will try to persuade you to open an account. You can ignore it and click on "No thanks, continue to view".